What Types of Problems Can Counselling Help?

Counselling is a form of therapy that can help you when you are experiencing difficult times in your life. It can help to improve relationships, resolve conflict, and build self-esteem. It is also used to treat mental illness and addiction. Counsellors will work with you to find a solution to the problem that you are facing. A counsellor will listen and offer support as well as constructive feedback on how to move forward with your situation or issue in life

Relationship conflict

Relationship conflict is one of the most common reasons for seeking counselling. It is important to recognize that conflict in a relationship can be caused by a number of factors, including communication issues, trust issues, intimacy issues and more. It is crucial that both parties take responsibility for their part in an argument so they can begin working together to find a solution.

Emotional distress

Emotional distress is a feeling of intense distress that can be caused by a variety of factors. Some people experience emotional distress as the result of stressful situations in their lives, such as an illness or death in the family. Others have a mental disorder that causes them to feel emotionally distressed, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or depression.

Being emotionally distressed can lead you to feel anxious, depressed, and/or experience panic attacks or other mental health problems like these:
Anxiety disorders and attacks
Mood disorders, major depression, bipolar disorder and dysthymia

Loneliness or Isolation

You may feel alone if you haven’t got many close friends or family members, or if the people you see on a regular basis tend to be more distant than you’d like them to be. You might also feel lonely if there are lots of people around you but none of them really understand who you are and what matters to you, or if they don’t seem to care about your thoughts, feelings and ideas at all.

Loneliness is not the same as being alone. We can all be physically alone without feeling lonely; when we’re asleep in bed at night, for example, we’re by ourselves with no one else around us but still don’t feel lonely because our mind isn’t focused on it while we sleep through the night peacefully until morning comes again!

Trauma & Abuse

If you have experienced a traumatic event, such as sexual violence, assault or abuse, counselling can help you work through the trauma. Counselling helps people who have been abused or assaulted to understand what happened and how they feel about it. It can also help individuals who have been sexually abused or assaulted learn how to deal with their emotions in healthy ways.

For example, some people who have been sexually abused may need support while they come to terms with their feelings of anger and hurt. It can also provide support for individuals who were in an abusive relationship by helping them get out of the relationship safely and work towards healing from their experiences.

Health-related issues

Eating disorders
Alcohol and drug addictions

Uncertainty about future goals or career planning

You may be wondering what you want to do with your life, or how to find a job that’s right for you. It’s natural to experience an uncertainty about the future as you grow older, but it can also make it difficult to plan ahead. If this is something that affects you, make sure you take time out of each week to think about what career options might suit you best. You could try doing some research online or getting advice from someone who knows more about careers than you do (like a teacher at school).

Once we’ve identified our strengths and weaknesses, we need to set goals and plan our careers in order for them not only to be successful but also meaningful enough so that we enjoy doing them every day! It helps to know ourselves better by asking ourselves questions such as:
Am I good at working on my own?
Do I like being around other people?
What kind of environment would inspire me?
These are all important questions when trying to figure out what kind of job will suit us best. Most importantly though remember not just anyone can succeed with anything they put their mind to!

Low self-esteem

Low self-esteem can lead to depression, anxiety, relationship problems and career problems. When you feel bad about yourself and your life, it’s hard to feel any enjoyment in anything you do. You might be depressed about the way things are going for you in life or worried that they won’t get better.

Your low self-esteem may be making it difficult for you to enjoy relationships with other people because of how much attention goes into questioning yourself and your actions rather than appreciating others. You could also find it difficult to make decisions or solve problems at work because of this lack of confidence. These negative thoughts are likely to have also affected how close a person feels towards their partner or friends if they haven’t already been able to establish good relationships with them as well as affecting their career prospects.

Grief and loss

Grief and loss are difficult experiences that can affect anyone. When someone we love dies, our lives change in ways that can be overwhelming. We may experience a wide range of emotions, like sadness, anger and guilt.

While you might think these feelings will go away with time, they often don’t fade as quickly as we would like them to. You may feel guilty for being angry at your loved one for leaving you or feeling angry with yourself for not being able to cope better with their death. It’s normal to have mixed feelings about death – especially when it’s sudden or unexpected – but it doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you if this happens.

Counselling can help identify resources and solutions to help you cope with these situations

Counselling can help you learn to cope with situations. It can help identify resources and solutions that will help you deal with problems in your life. For example, if someone is going through a divorce, they may be feeling very lonely, sad and depressed. A counsellor can assist them in identifying the resources available in their local community to address these feelings and emotions.

It provides an opportunity for individuals to reflect on their thoughts, feelings and behaviours. It will also assist them in identifying strategies for managing challenges that occur during times of change or transition within their lives (e.g., loss).


Remember that you are not alone, and there is help available to you. If you feel that your life has become unmanageable, please contact us today for a consultation with one of our experienced counsellors.